
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Change in tokelau

Climate change:
The sea levels are rising and the weather is stormy.They are losing their beaches and other things that are important to them.My opinion on the climate change at the beach is that they should be prepared if the sea levels are rising and if there's gonna be storm then they should seek shelter and get warm.

The Role change:
The roles are changing in tokelau?Ladies in tokelau are now allowed to participate in the fono. his Change is affecting tokelau by Women are now allowed to be participate in the fono. My opinion on the change is that change is making a big difference in tokelau because women are allowed to join the fono and also do jobs that men do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Paragraph about tokelau’s problem:

Paragraph about tokelau’s problem:

> One of tokelaus problem is that the population is
decreasing and most of the people that there are losing
skilled people and tokelaus youth.  

Social studies- 2 concepts

The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,especially at a school or University.

The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.